LinkedIn: Your Job Search Superpower

with Kitty Carlisle

Discover how LinkedIn can transform your job search into a targeted, efficient, and successful campaign.

This presentation will delve into the platform's powerful features, providing actionable tips on crafting a compelling profile, building a strong professional network, and leveraging LinkedIn to identify and connect with potential employers.

Learn how to use LinkedIn as a tool to showcase your skills, gain industry insights, and ultimately land your dream job.

Second Speaker: Anna Brambilla
Job Loss to Franchise Boss

Anna Brambilla has more than 20 years of experience in the field of Career Transition.

She has been a career coach, recruiter, outplacement consultant and relocation expert. Prior to that, she worked in corporate finance and software project management. She holds an MBA in Finance and Management from the University of San Francisco and a BA in Management and Economics from Simmons College in Boston.

In 2017, Anna was looking for a different path. She happened to attend a workshop on Franchise Options and immediately liked the concept of franchising. She bought her own franchise license with The Entrepreneur’s Source and has been helping professionals discover options outside the traditional career path since then.

In this presentation, she will show you how to take any job loss or transition into becoming your own boss.